Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Best of Friends

Is there really anything sweeter? These two have been best friends since forever. I pray they will always stay close. Everyone needs a best friend...someone to laugh with, sing with, play with, pray with, and love. I know the last 5 years have gone by with such speed that my mind is swirling round and round but I'm positive the next 5 will go even just seems to happen like that for some reason. We captured many precious moments this day and I look forward to capturing many more.
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Brown Eyed Baby

This is one of the sweetest little babies I've had the chance to work with. He is so cute and those big brown eyes really melt your heart! Thanks for lending this precious bundle to me.
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Monday, January 12, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside!

That would have been the perfect theme to this wedding. It was a gorgeous Sunday afternoon but a very chilly 15 degrees! Yes, it was 70 degrees on Friday but 15 on Sunday...go figure!
Robyn and Ben were delightful and extremely laid back. I don't think I've ever been to a wedding that the bride was so calm. She was a beautiful bride and the wedding was so sweet. Ben sang Robyn a song that would melt any heart...way to go, Ben! I hope they enjoy their pictures and a wonderful life together. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your wedding day.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Who knew?

Don't let their cuteness fool you...Just kidding! I was expecting to tangle with the little one but she was all about the pose. Everywhere was a pose. She posed while walking, talking and anything else she did. She is the spitting image of her mother and since I had the pleasure of growing up with her mother...I can say she acts just like her mother! The other two cuties were as cooperative as could be. Not much of a peep out of them except when the girls were going to kiss their brother! Um, let's just say, "gross cooties!"
Thanks De for sharing your kiddos with me!
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Roses are Pink

Sweet Annalyce! What a cutie. I had such a great time taking these photo's. It's always interesting taking nude shots of babies. Thanks to her wonderful mom for allowing me into their home. You have a beautiful baby girl!
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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Stryker Wedding

I didn't have my blog in August when I did this wedding but I thought I would backtrack a little bit and add it on. This was a beautiful outdoor wedding. Steve and Kim both work with the youth at our church and you could tell. There were teenagers everywhere...seriously. It was really cool to see the kids so excited for these two. Another interesting thing about this wedding was the groom's cake. It was an OUTHOUSE...I'm not kidding! It was the coolest groom's cake ever! I loved it!!!
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Monday, November 24, 2008

Baker Wedding

What a fun couple! I so enjoyed this day. The wedding party was fun and energetic which always makes my job easier. It was a gorgeous day for an outdoor wedding and the day's events seemed to go by with no problems.
Thanks for including me in on the fun! Congrats!!!
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